
Costume Building

From crafting and sewing, to styling and sourcing costume, this workshop offers insight into the creation of costumes for the stage.

Nancy has been giving workshops about drag since 2019. They were one of the teachers of The Gender Bender Academy in 2021, and have been a regular techer for Konig. In 2022 and 24 they held a workshop series for a masters programme at Arthaus- Centre for Devised Theatre and Performance in Pankow. They have hosted a seminar abour drag and gender performance at UDK and hosted a question and answer at Transitioning conference for Disruption Lab Network.

Gender Exploration & Character Development

Join Nancy on a journey through a series of excercises which invite you to consider and enact various forms of gender expression.

Drag Makeup

King, Queen, Quing, Creature. This workshop offers knowledge about using makeup to make your drag fantasies a reality.

To enquire about inviting Nancy to hold a workshop please contact them at -