







Nancy has been producing queer events since 2019 with the start of Venus Boys, Bollocks to Brexit, and The Camp Dad & BLEACH Show. In 2022 they produced the first TRANARCHY club night in Berlin, started to make An Evening with the Dames, and were the co-artistic director of: go drag! international drag festival celebrating women, trans and non-binary artists. In 2023 they co-curated the performance stage at Whole Festival and produced a lineup of immersive





Nancy Nutter is a multidisciplinary artist and producer. Nancy works with ​immersive drag for consciousness raising and liberation. She started her drag ​career as drag King Camp Dad and now has a whole pantheon of alter-egos and ​characters. Over the last six years she has performed in Berlin and across Europe ​(Paris, Stockholm and Manchester). Since 2022 they have been a full-time ​performer. They fought for the drag king revolution with the Venus Boys and was ​the artistic co-director of 'go drag' 2022 International Drag Festival focusing on ​femme, trans and non-binary perspectives. Nancy teaches gender performance in ​the 'König' drag workshops and in an Arthaus MA course in Embodied Dramaturgy. ​In parallel to her performance career she is developing a theory of drag, gender ​and feminist politics. and writing a book about this- Drag, Disruption, & Dissent- A ​Non Binary Feminist Perspective.

Recently Nancy starred in Sissy Smut at Volksbühne - A Darkroom Drama by ​Camp Dad and Bleach, co-directed with her partner. Nancy is a self-taught singer ​and started taking singing lessons in 2024 as singing has become a big part of her ​career. For two years she has been performing together with her musical partner ​Eve in the dynamic double act- An Evening with the Dames. Nancy hosts karaoke ​parties as one of the regular hosts at Monster Ronson's Ichiban Karaoke, the ​legendary karaoke bar that has been around for 20 years.


Hello, my name is Nancy and I am a mad tranny from the North of England. I grew ​up in an old industrial town in East Lancashire with lovely parents and a big sister. ​I spent a lot of my childhood painting, and going to Burnley Youth Theatre where I ​first enjoyed being on stage. I left home at 18 with head full of questions and a ​heart full of desire. After a year foundation in art where I got rejected from loads ​of Fine Art courses, I went to Brighton and studied Philosophy, Politics, and Art. ​The art there wasn't fine, it was actually really good. I learned a lot and expanded ​my horizons.

In 2018 I moved to Berlin because I´m a party girl and I love having fun. I was ​planning to return to academia for a masters degree in gender studies, however ​the course I desired stopped being an option when the state of Hungary made ​gender studies illegal. At the time I was giving free walking tours about Berlin´s ​tortured past, the historical resemblance was uncanny and unnerving.

I decided to sack off the academy and try to make a life as an artist, performing ​in drag, and creating queer community spaces, events and shows which bring to ​the fore voices which are not heard often enough. It takes many strings to make a ​bow fetch rent, so along with performance and production, I am also a graphic ​designer, MUA, model, and tattoo artist. My approach to performance mixes drag, ​clowning, song and dance, with makeup and costume. With my performances I ​want to experience the full scope of my being, on and off the stage, and embrace ​the entirety of my non-binary selves. The future is non-binary, after all.

Im currently writing a book to detail my theory of drag and the non binary gender ​spectrum to project a trans centred anarcha feminist revolution.


Title image by Javier Alejandro Cerrada